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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

Since the beginning of time sales funnels have always been part of traditional marketing and business. Recently, however, it seems that funnels are being talked about everywhere on the internet.

The reality is that people want to know more about this marketing concept and the best way to apply it in their business online marketing strategies. Continue reading if you want to learn more on the sales funnel to ensure Internet marketing successful.

The Sales Funnel: What is it?

No, a marketing funnel isn't an actual funnel. For this marketing concept, "funnel", is used to describe and visualize the entire process of selling. The term"funnel" can be used to describe the process of selling because it has both a more extensive entry point for "Unqualified Prospects" as well as an opening that is smaller for conversions at the bottom.

We may call these "unqualified prospects" at the top or entry of the funnel. They are those who may require your products and services however haven't been contacted by you before. After a few sales and offers you'll have customers who have bought your product or service.

The effectiveness of the lead generation funnel is down to its ability to allows you to monitor the potential buyers' behavior during different stages of the extended sales process. With the sales funnel through figuring out the quantity of qualified prospects at each point of the process, it's possible to predict the amount of potential customers that will eventually become actual customers.

A sales funnel allows you to determine exactly how is going on and how your sales strategy is not working or working or failing, or if your marketing campaign isn't getting a sufficient amount of prospective customers somewhere within the process. This will allow you to choose exactly where you should concentrate your efforts and to maintain sales at the required level, as well as, to fulfill marketing goals. It helps monitor and manage customers' sales processes.

The Sales Funnel Top or Front - End

The front of your sales funnel should be the most active part of your process. This requires constant testing. There is no limit to your imagination or resources in front-end strategies.

The primary objective of the front-end is going to be to draw potential customers and turn them into buyers later in the sales process.

The prospective client becomes "qualified" when they sign up or subscribe to something that you provide. This is the moment when the prospective customer or "Unqualified Lead" becomes qualified. This is because they have taken an action that indicates that they might be interested in buying your products or services.

Your front-end should be able to bring targeted traffic to your site or blog. PPC adverts, article marketing, banners, PPC advertisements, social media (Google+ Twitter Facebook YouTube), YouTube, banners, blog posting, forum posting and many other sources are among the most efficient methods and resources.

There are a variety of tools available that can be used to "qualify" those who are "Unqualified prospect". The most effective is the squeeze page. Here you can offer something valuable that is related to your service or product that they can obtain for free or at a drastically reduced price in exchange of their email. Products offered include newsletters as well videos, eBooks, email courses, and other related reports.

This shows that people are drawn towards your sales channels on the front end. What do you think of the back-end?


The Bottom of The Funnel: The Back-End

The bottom or back end of the funnel where main sales and profits are made. This is typically the place where you sell your most expensive products. These products would all be relevant to the same market, however they are offered in various formats, like video, audio and live interaction.

The primary distinction between the front-end service and the back-end is the type or price of the client.

Even though it is true that a very tiny percentage of people be able to enter your front-end however, just 1-2% of them will be able to make it into your back-end. This is due to a small few people will spend a larger amount of funds.

While front-end services and products may be less expensive than $100 but back-end products and services typically cost at the range of hundreds to thousands. The bottom or back-end of the sales funnel is your main source of income for an Internet business. This is also the most predictable area of the sales process.

As I said earlier the sales funnel could be as simple or complicated as your imagination or resources permit.

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