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Coffee and L-Theanine - A Nootropic Combo for Energy

Nov 17

Although most people are familiar with the energizing effects of caffeine, they may not realize the benefits of combining it with l-theanine. They work together in an amazing synergy. The two complement one another's best attributes and reduce the chance of side effects. A remarkable combination, often overlooked and underrated by coffee lovers, can make a huge difference in your daily coffee routine.

Some things are made to be together: peanut butter and jelly and chocolate, salt and pepper and peanut butter and jelly and chocolate. Each of these items can be used separately, but when combined they enhance each other. The same can be said for nootropics.

We are all familiar with caffeine. You can find caffeine in a variety of everyday foods and medications. However, the most popular way to consume caffeine is through coffee. Over half of American adults drink around three cups of coffee each day.

If consumed in moderation, coffee provides many health benefits. Researchers have shown that coffee can prevent chronic,  conditions like diabetes mellitus and cancer. The antioxidants in coffee protect DNA against oxidative damage and maintain normal cell function.

Coffee has many health benefits, however, it is most popular because of its high caffeine content. A standard cup of coffee contains around 95 mg of caffeine straight to your system, offering a number of nootropic benefits that can help to improve your performance at home and work. However, caffeine can cause side effects and the recommended dose for each person is different. Caffeine can cause anxiety, stress, insomnia and high blood pressure.

L-Theanine comes to the rescue, you can add it to your coffee every day to counter these side effects. Let's find out what L-Theanine is and how it works.

L-Theanine, an amino acid found in tea, is a natural source of it. It is not something the human body can produce naturally so we have to rely on outside sources. L-Theanine affects the levels of serotonin and dopamine in your brain, which directly affects your stress levels. This is probably how it counteracts the adrenal response caused by caffeine in your brain, which leads to anxiety after drinking too much coffee.

Caffeine can increase your focus and energy, but it can also cause anxiety and jitters. Combining L-theanine and caffeine can reduce side effects and enhance nootropic properties. You can increase your focus without the stress by taking caffeine and l-theanine together. There are some products on the market that bled the two in a ready to serve mix. One of these products is the Club Early Bird Morning Cocktail, which contains more nootropics, some electrolytes, adaptogens, and antioxidants, which complement the caffeine and L-Theanine. 

Here is a little bit more on how l-Theanine and caffeine work. 

When we add L-Theanine to our coffee, the excitatory response is inhibited, and stress is managed as a result.

L-Theanine can also reduce the ability of caffeine to constrict blood vessels, mitigating the issues with the increased heart rate or blood pressure from too much caffeine. A 2008 study by Owen GN found that subjects who consumed the nootropics together had less headaches and tiredness than those who ingested caffeine alone. It's almost as if we are consuming caffeine without any of the side effects that we frequently experience.

Theanine, as we mentioned, prevents the vasoconstriction that caffeine can cause. It can also alleviate anxiety or headaches related to caffeine consumption. 

L-theanine can also prevent the well-known caffeine crash. When caffeine wears off, the crash occurs. You will be able to focus all day without feeling fatigued or jittery.

The positive effects of L-theanine and caffeine go beyond treating physiological stress reactions. In a study conducted by Crystal Haskell at Northumbria University and her colleagues, caffeine and L-theanine together increased delayed word recognition reaction times.

Combining caffeine with l-theanine can produce a range of powerful nootropic effects with little risk to your physical or mental health. Often, people combine these two ingredients to improve their performance at work, school, and home. By combining theanine and coffee, you can increase creativity and concentration, particularly when it comes to cognitively challenging tasks. It will be easier for you to switch between activities without losing your alertness.